Korektivni servis

APIS servis pruža kompletnu podršku sa ciljem dovođenja opreme u prvobitno operativno stanje


APIS CENTAR service provides complete support with the aim of bringing the equipment to its original operational state

APIS service provides complete support

Whether it is a malfunction or a complete failure of AUMA equipment, APIS CENTAR service provides complete support with the aim of bringing the equipment to its original operational state. For such access, a large spare parts warehouse is provided, which is regularly replenished.

Workshop Corrective Service

If the AUMA equipment on which the service is to be made can be dismantled (the production process allows it), deliver it or send it to the APIS workshop where it will be inspected immediately upon receipt. This can significantly reduce service costs (no arrival at the location). If the AUMA equipment is seriously affected by corrosion, the procedure of shot blasting of its outer part and painting with the original 2K AUMA paint is initiated. Then the service of the required level is performed, and the drive, in a fully restored state, is returned to the user.

On-site corrective service

By a call from the user, the service technician comes to the site and by inspecting the AUMA equipment eliminates the cause of the problem. Every service technician has in their service vehicle the most necessary spare parts and measuring equipment ready, in order to respond to the call for corrective service as soon as possible and eliminate the problem.